
Mostrando las entradas de marzo, 2018


WISH AND IF ONLY FOR REGRETS I WISH/IF ONLY+ Sujeto+ PAST SIMPLE ·          I wish I were rich (but I am not) Yo deseo/ojalá que fuera rico (pero no lo soy)  ·          If only I could fly. Ojalá pudiera volar.  I WISH/IF ONLY+ Sujeto + COULD ·          I wish we could go to the beach this weekend. - Ojalá pudiéramos ir a la playa este fin de semana. I WISH/IF ONLY+ Sujeto + WOULD ·          I wish they would stop fighting Ojalá dejasen de pelear ·          If only Peter would not drink so much. -Ojalá Pedro no bebiera tanto I WISH/IF ONLY+ Sujeto + PAST PERFECT ·          I wish you hadn´t lost the photo. It was a really good one. ·          If only I hadn’t done it. - Lamento que no lo hubiera hecho. / Ojalá no lo hubiera hecho.

infinitive clauses with impersonal it

Infinitive clauses with impersonal it The expression " It is + adj/noun to" emphasizes information by bringing it to the front of the clause.  The subject of an infinitive clause is optionally expressed as for + noun or the accusative pronoun for + pronoun .   Example It's difficult for me to guess what will happen. It's hard to know when a rat will get loose. It's impossible for us to do  this project in 24 hours It's important to take a break twice a day. It's possible for you to work on your own project. It's exciting  for us to be  here. It's likely for it to get cold in the laboratory Infinitive clause as complement An infinitive clause can be used as subject complement after  be  and other copular verbs. ·          His goal was  to become a well known writer. ·          You